Should You Invest in Cryptocurrency?

Should You Invest in Cryptocurrency?

Investing can be complicated, and we often hear questions about which types of assets are worth pursuing. But questions about stocks and bonds seem downright boring compared to some of the debates we see about cryptocurrency.  And it’s no wonder. Cryptocurrency is an...
How to Start Investing: Top Tips for First-Timers

How to Start Investing: Top Tips for First-Timers

Have you ever thought about investing? Most financial professionals recommend it, but with all the different options and strategies, it can feel pretty overwhelming. Not to mention that most investing advice focuses on starting as early as possible — does that mean...
How Can You Reach Your Goals? Change Your Thinking

How Can You Reach Your Goals? Change Your Thinking

When you think about your goals — personal, financial, or otherwise — do you feel like you’re making progress? Or do you feel stuck and unsure of how to move forward to reach your goals? It happens to all of us occasionally — feeling like we’re stuck on a plateau with...
What to Do When You’re Feeling Guilty After Spending Money

What to Do When You’re Feeling Guilty After Spending Money

Picture this — you just bought a brand-new minivan. It’s gorgeous, it has heated seats, it’s super safe, and it can easily fit your kids and all their stuff. This is the minivan you’ve always wanted, and you got a great deal on it. But as you’re driving it all off the...