We sure love labeling our personalities, don’t we? Ask someone about their Myers-Briggs type or Enneagram number, for example. Or how about the character they’re most like from The Office, or what kind of vacation they’re most likely to enjoy.
We’re curious about our own personalities. We want to know why we might behave or think the way we do. Learning about ourselves through online assessments help us make sense of…well, ourselves.
Now, how often do you come across personality assessments that have to do with money? You don’t see talk of money personalities that often, which is why we put together this blog!
Here are four common money personalities based on how money makes you feel, typical behavior with money, and suggestions for making the most of your personality type.
Without further ado, which money personality are you?
The Emotional Spender
Your relationship with money
You love shopping, either for yourself or for loved ones. Staying within your budget is only for the essential stuff, right? It doesn’t apply when it comes to treating yourself or others!
You highly value your possessions. Sometimes that translates into buying swanky brand-name accessories, high-end clothing, or the newest and coolest devices. You’re comfortable spending money and accumulating debt. You have a high tolerance for risk when it comes to investing, especially if there’s a good chance it’ll bring you more money to spend.
Your issues with money
There’s nothing wrong with investing in a high-quality item that will last you a lifetime. Nor is there anything wrong with buying a thoughtful gift for someone you love.
But are you really buying things for these reasons? Or are you chasing that exhilarating feeling of actually spending your money? That’s where it can become a problem.
What to do
It’s great that you understand how money is connected to happiness. And you probably work really hard to make money so you can enjoy it. To make better, smarter purchases, try reconnecting with your money values. You’ll spend your money more consciously and meaningfully going forward.
The Anxious Saver
Your relationship with money
You can’t imagine spending money as freely as the Emotional Spender. Instead, you’re always on the hunt for bargains and save money whenever possible. You only shop when you absolutely have to.
Seeing your savings accrue interest brings you relief. You’re afraid of racking up debt, so you rarely use credit cards. You may not even use credit cards at all or if you do, they are promptly paid off every month. You’re pretty conservative and avoid risk when it comes to investing.
Your issues with money
For the Anxious Saver, money represents security and stability. You save money, even when investing or spending it is the smarter option, because you’re afraid of losing it or wasting it. Growing up without a lot of money can be a factor in this personality type.
What to do
Kudos to you for having an impressive rainy day fund and savings account. Saving doesn’t come naturally to everyone, and you should be proud of that.
To become more comfortable spending money in moderation, take a look at your money story. Understand how your upbringing or your feelings toward money affects your behavior. Then you can begin to let go of those behaviors that are causing you more stress than good.
The Oblivious Avoider
Your relationship with money
You don’t shop a lot to boost your mood, nor do you save every penny you bring in to feel safe. Talk or think about money? Pass. You prefer to avoid it altogether, so you’re not really up to date on what you’re earning or what your debt situation looks like.
Because you avoid money, you may be spending more than you earn. You don’t keep a budget, and you haven’t put much thought into investing at all.
Your issues with money
The Oblivious Avoider has an anxious relationship with money, similar to the Anxious Saver. While the Anxious Saver deliberately hoards money to ease their anxiety, the Oblivious Avoider prefers not to deal with it at all. Making no decision is better than making the wrong decision.
What to do
It’s tough, but you gotta face the music. Look at your account statements. Figure out what goals you want to accomplish with your money. Set up a budget. Think of ways you can realistically achieve your goals.
If that sounds like a lot to handle, start small with a budgeting system first. Here’s why the BudgetingBlocks™️ system might make sense for you.
The Conscious Investor
Your relationship with money
As a Conscious Investor, you’re on top of your finances. You have goals for the short-term and the long-term. Purchases are made thoughtfully and in line with your values. You tend to invest in experiences rather than things, but when you do buy material items, you invest in ones that will last.
You usually pay your bills on time and you invest mindfully. You have an emergency fund, savings accounts, retirement accounts, and a healthy amount of debt.
Your issues with money
For the most part, your relationship with money is a happy and stable one. (Congrats!) While you get stressed out about paying bills or dips in the market every once in a while, it’s generally smooth sailing from day-to-day.
What to do
Keep up the good work! Continue to stay in tune with your finances.
Our needs change as we grow older, so don’t be afraid to tweak your financial plan as you go along. If you need expert help on areas of finance that are new to you, like joining accounts with your partner or planning for your children’s college funds, a financial advisor can help.