by Hannah Moore | Sep 20, 2021
There are countless ways to look at your money and your budget to better understand and manage your finances. But one viewpoint that you might not think about right away is net worth. If you’re like many people, you may think that net worth is something that only...
by Hannah Moore | Aug 17, 2021
If you’ve ever seen anything related to personal finance, you’ve heard about an emergency fund. The exact details vary — some people recommend three or six months of expenses while others suggest a specific amount. But the purpose is always the same. You want to have...
by Hannah Moore | Jul 5, 2021
Are you thinking of making a career change? It’s a big decision, especially if you have a family to consider. Whether you’ve been thinking about changing careers for a while or just recently, there are plenty of aspects to consider. Pursuing a new career can affect...
by Hannah Moore | Jun 21, 2021
When you hear the words “shopping” and “COVID-19,” what comes to your mind first? Probably panicked consumers at the start of the pandemic in March 2020, clearing shelves of toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Or later on in the year, people ordering everything online...
by Hannah Moore | Jun 7, 2021
“Risk management.” That’s a phrase that might make you think of giant corporations run by stressed out people in suits. (Blame movies and TV shows for that one.) However, risk management is just as important for personal finances as it is for a big company. Managing...