Making financial decisions with your significant other can be stressful and uncomfortable. Even simply talking about money can be one of the most difficult things to do for many couples.
But working with your partner on your finances is important for every couple, whether you’re married, unmarried in a long-term relationship, or engaged and preparing for an upcoming wedding. Practicing good money management as a team, as well as having honest and frequent money conversations, can help you build a stronger relationship together.
To help you do that, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite Everyday Money blog posts about couples finances below.
Do you talk about money with your partner?
If you answered “yes,” then that’s great! However, many couples that have money conversations often focus on practical topics, like budgeting or paying off your wedding.
While the day-to-day money stuff is definitely important, you and your partner should also dig deeper so you can build a successful financial relationship.
Before you merge finances with your significant other, start your money conversations off on the right foot. These 5 Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask About Their Finances can help.
No more money fights, please
Do you and your partner avoid talking about money because you always end up fighting? You’re not alone! But you can ditch those financial fights by getting to the root of the problem: communication differences.
How you talk about money and how your partner talks about money is important. If you don’t understand your partner’s preferences, or even your own, you’ll continue to butt heads. Learn How to Avoid Financial Conflict so you and your partner can start working together to have productive money conversations.
Working toward financial success as a team
Whether you’re a pair of newlyweds or a couple with years together under your belt, you can always work together toward financial success. How do you achieve that financial success? Effective communication, as we just mentioned, is definitely a big part of it. So is thinking about your values and reevaluating them periodically with your partner.
Being vulnerable and honest with your significant other about money can be tough, so take a look at the tips shared in our blog, To Have And To Hold, To Save And To Spend: Financial Planning For Two.
More financial resources for you and your SO
Need some help starting those money conversations off on the right foot? Want to learn more about the importance of communication in your relationship? Our free resource library is full of guides, downloads, and exercises to help you and your partner with your finances.